Web Scraping to Item Response Theory: A College Football Adventure

Brandon LeBeau, Andrew Zieffler, and Kyle Nickodem

University of Iowa & University of Minnesota


  • Began after Tim Brewster was fired
  • Wanted to try to predict next great coach

Data Available

  • Data is available at three levels
    1. Coach
    2. Game by Game
    3. Team


  • Data
    • Overall record
    • Team history
  • Not Available
    • Coordinator history

Example Coach Data

##   Year Team Win Loss Tie     Pct  PF  PA Delta        coach
## 1 2010 Iowa   8    5   0 0.61538 376 221   155 Kirk Ferentz
## 2 2011 Iowa   7    6   0 0.53846 358 310    48 Kirk Ferentz
## 3 2012 Iowa   4    8   0 0.33333 232 275   -43 Kirk Ferentz
## 4 2013 Iowa   8    5   0 0.61538 342 246    96 Kirk Ferentz
## 5 2014 Iowa   7    6   0 0.53846 367 333    34 Kirk Ferentz

Game by Game

  • Data
    • Final score of each game
    • Date played
    • Location
  • Not Available
    • No information within a game

Example GBG Data

##    Team           Official Year       Date WL          Opponent PF PA
## 1  Iowa University of Iowa 2014  8/30/2014  W     Northern Iowa 31 23
## 2  Iowa University of Iowa 2014   9/6/2014  W     Ball St. (IN) 17 13
## 3  Iowa University of Iowa 2014  9/13/2014  L          Iowa St. 17 20
## 4  Iowa University of Iowa 2014  9/20/2014  W   Pittsburgh (PA) 24 20
## 5  Iowa University of Iowa 2014  9/27/2014  W       Purdue (IN) 24 10
## 6  Iowa University of Iowa 2014 10/11/2014  W           Indiana 45 29
## 7  Iowa University of Iowa 2014 10/18/2014  L          Maryland 31 38
## 8  Iowa University of Iowa 2014  11/1/2014  W Northwestern (IL) 48  7
## 9  Iowa University of Iowa 2014  11/8/2014  L         Minnesota 14 51
## 10 Iowa University of Iowa 2014 11/15/2014  W          Illinois 30 14
## 11 Iowa University of Iowa 2014 11/22/2014  L         Wisconsin 24 26
## 12 Iowa University of Iowa 2014 11/28/2014  L          Nebraska 34 37
## 13 Iowa University of Iowa 2014   1/2/2015  L         Tennessee 28 45
##              Location
## 1       Iowa City, IA
## 2       Iowa City, IA
## 3       Iowa City, IA
## 4      Pittsburgh, PA
## 5  West Lafayette, IN
## 6       Iowa City, IA
## 7    College Park, MD
## 8       Iowa City, IA
## 9     Minneapolis, MN
## 10      Champaign, IL
## 11      Iowa City, IA
## 12      Iowa City, IA
## 13   Jacksonville, FL


  • Data
    • Overall team record
    • Team statistics
    • Rankings
    • Conference Affiliation
  • Data is very similar to that of the coach level

Web Scraping

Iowa Coaches Over Time

Iowa State Coaches Over Time

Strengths in web scraping

  • Data is relatively easily obtained
  • Structured process for obtaining data
  • Can be easily updated

Challenges of web scraping

  • At the mercy of the website
    • Many sites are old
    • Not up to date on current design standards
  • Data validation can be difficult and time consuming
  • Need some basic knowledge of html

When is Web Scraping Worthwhile?

  • Best when scraping many pages
    • Particularly when web addresses are not structured
  • Useful when data need to be updated

  • Not useful if only scraping a single page/table

HTML Basics

  • HTML is structured by start tags (e.g. <table>) and end tags (e.g. <⁄table>)
  • Common tags
  • <h1> - <h6>
  • <b> <i>
  • <a href="http://www.google.com">
  • <table>
  • <p>
  • <ul> & <li>
  • <div>
  • <img>

  • Highly structured pages are the easiest to scrape

HTML Code Example

Tools for web scraping

Basics of rvest

  • read_html is the most basic function
  • html_node or html_nodes
    • These functions need css selectors or xpath
    • SelectorGadget is the easiest way to get this


Combine SelectorGadget with rvest

wiki_kirk <- read_html("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirk_Ferentz")
wiki_kirk_extract <- wiki_kirk %>%
    html_nodes(".vcard td , .vcard th")
## {xml_nodeset (6)}
## [1] <td colspan="2" style="text-align:center"><a href="/wiki/File:Kirk_p ...
## [2] <th scope="row">Sport(s)</th>
## [3] <td class="category">\n  <a href="/wiki/American_football" title="Am ...
## [4] <th colspan="2" style="text-align:center;background-color: lightgray ...
## [5] <th scope="row">Title</th>
## [6] <td>\n  <a href="/wiki/Head_coach" title="Head coach">Head coach</a> ...

Extract text

  • Use the html_text function
wiki_kirk_extract <- wiki_kirk %>%
  html_nodes(".vcard td , .vcard th") %>%
## [1] "\nFerentz at the 2010 Orange Bowl\n"
## [2] "Sport(s)"                           
## [3] "Football"                           
## [4] "Current position"                   
## [5] "Title"                              
## [6] "Head coach"

Encoding problems

  • Two solutions to fix encoding problems
    • guess_encoding
    • repair_encoding: fix encoding problems
wiki_kirk %>%
  html_nodes(".vcard td , .vcard th") %>%
  html_text() %>%
##       encoding language confidence
## 1        UTF-8                1.00
## 2 windows-1252       en       0.36
## 3 windows-1250       ro       0.18
## 4 windows-1254       tr       0.13
## 5     UTF-16BE                0.10
## 6     UTF-16LE                0.10

Fix Encoding Problems

  • Best practice to reload page with correct encoding
wiki_kirk <- read_html("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirk_Ferentz", 
                       encoding = 'UTF-8')
  • Can also repair encoding after the fact
wiki_kirk_extract <- wiki_kirk %>%
  html_nodes(".vcard td , .vcard th") %>%
  html_text() %>% 

Extract html tags

  • Use the html_name function
wiki_kirk_extract <- wiki_kirk %>%
  html_nodes(".vcard td , .vcard th") %>%
## [1] "td" "th" "td" "th" "th" "td"

Extract html attributes

  • Use the html_attrs function
wiki_kirk_extract <- wiki_kirk %>%
  html_nodes(".vcard td , .vcard th") %>%
## [[1]]
##             colspan               style 
##                 "2" "text-align:center" 
## [[2]]
## scope 
## "row" 
## [[3]]
##      class 
## "category" 
## [[4]]
##                                          colspan 
##                                              "2" 
##                                            style 
## "text-align:center;background-color: lightgray;" 
## [[5]]
## scope 
## "row" 
## [[6]]
## named character(0)

Extract links

  • Use the html_attrs function again
wiki_kirk_extract <- wiki_kirk %>%
  html_nodes(".vcard a") %>%
## [1] "/wiki/File:Kirk_pressconference_orangebowl2010.JPG"
## [2] "/wiki/American_football"                           
## [3] "/wiki/Head_coach"                                  
## [4] "/wiki/Iowa_Hawkeyes_football"                      
## [5] "/wiki/Big_Ten_Conference"                          
## [6] "/wiki/Iowa_City,_Iowa"

Valid Links

  • The paste0 function is helpful for this
valid_links <- paste0('https://www.wikipedia.org', wiki_kirk_extract)
## [1] "https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kirk_pressconference_orangebowl2010.JPG"
## [2] "https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_football"                           
## [3] "https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_coach"                                  
## [4] "https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iowa_Hawkeyes_football"                      
## [5] "https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Ten_Conference"                          
## [6] "https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iowa_City,_Iowa"

Extract Tables

  • The html_table function is useful to scrape well formatted tables
record_kirk <- wiki_kirk %>%
  html_nodes(".wikitable") %>%
  .[[1]] %>%
  html_table(fill = TRUE)

Caveats to Web Scraping

  • Keep in mind when scraping we are using their bandwidth
    • Do not want to repeatedly do expensive bandwidth operations
    • Better to scrape once, then run only to update data
  • Some websites are copyrighted (i.e. illegal to scrape)

Data Modeling

  • Research Questions
    1. Who is the next great coach?
    2. What characteristics are in common for these coaches?

IRT modeling

  • So far we have explored the win/loss records of teams in the BCS era with item response theory (IRT)
  • IRT is commonly used to model assessment data to estimate item parameters and person 'ability'
  • We recode the Win/Loss/Tie game by game results
    • 1 = Win
    • 0 = Otherwise

Example code with lme4

  • A 1 parameter multilevel IRT model can be fitted using glmer in the lme4 package
fm1a <- glmer(wingbg ~ 0 + (1|coach) + (1|Team), 
              data = yby_coach, family = binomial)

Plot Showing Team Ability
